Remember Beijing in ’08? Sixth Tone Wants to Hear From You

Sixth Tone
2 min readJan 12, 2022


Next month, Beijing will host the Olympic Games for the second time, along with neighboring cities.

The Summer Games, in 2008, reshaped China’s global image and its capital city. Block after Beijing block was rebuilt, rezoned, or connected to new subway lines, and the city erected a series of new monuments from the Bird’s Nest Stadium to China Central Television’s ultra-plus size trousers.

On the eve of the Winter Games, Sixth Tone is taking a look back at that transformative period and how the city’s changed since then — and we need your help to do it. If you have memories of Beijing around the ’08 Olympics, or in the period leading up to it, we’re asking you to share them with us for a special project.

We’re looking for photographs, anecdotes, pictures of artifacts, and reflections on a changing urban landscape. We want to hear about the big things and the little things — what you ate, the ads you used to see at the bus station, or the best piece of memorabilia you got. If you’re willing to share, please send them to by Monday, Jan. 24.

Please put “Beijing then and now” in the subject line of your e-mail. Be sure to include the name you’d like to be credited under, and information about the location, date, and context of any images. We’re looking for submissions in both English and Chinese.

By sending materials to Sixth Tone for this project, you’re agreeing to their being published on our website and social channels. Please send your own photos or other material you have permission to use.


2月4日,第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会将在北京拉开序幕,这也是北京继 2008 年成功举办夏季奥运会之后, 第二次承办奥运盛会。


在北京冬奥会即将举办之际,Sixth Tone邀请你一同回顾奥运会给北京这座城市带来的变化,分享你关于北京奥运的独家记忆。若被选用,您分享的内容将会刊发在Sixth Tone官网和社交平台页面。



投稿方式:请将相关照片或文字内容发送至。投稿时在邮件主题中注明“Beijing then and now”和你的署名(笔名或网名也可)。如有照片,请务必注明照片拍摄的时间、地点和其它更详细的信息,中英文皆可。

投稿者需保证所投内容为本人有权使用的素材。一旦投稿,即默认为作者认同Sixth Tone可以在不违反法律前提下使用投稿的文字和图片。



Sixth Tone

Fresh voices of everyday China: Bringing you stories of life in contemporary China through the eyes of those living it